The Top 3 Reasons That APS Systems Fail

Number One
Completely Underestimating Your Functionality Requirements
If you invest in manufacturing scheduling software that can’t be modified or customized to address your unique needs or software that can only be modified by the developer, then you may be limited as to what you can accomplish in the short-term and, more importantly, the long-term.
When your manufacturing software prevents you from implementing new ideas then you are severely limited as to what you can achieve. This is a catastrophic situation because none of the time or money invested in that solution can be recovered. This leaves the IT manager with nowhere to go except start the process again and is obviously something that you want to avoid.
Number Two
Selecting APS Software Based On An Impressive Demo
Since it is not possible to have a clear understanding of the functionality you will need to be successful, it is not possible to accurately evaluate scheduling software during a demo.
You need to talk to references who share some similarity to what you do. You also need to clearly understand the process they followed and ask them what factors impacted the success of the project.

Number Three
Selecting The Wrong Implementation Partner
Most manufacturers do not have internal resources or the knowledge and experience to implement an APS system. You need to find an implementation partner who really knows what they are doing and who has a proven track record such as Scheduling Solutions.
We assure sure you have realistic, achievable objectives while helping you understand factors that do and don’t impact your bottom line.
Typically getting immediate and dramatic improvements is only the first major benefit you can expect when working with Scheduling Solutions and PlanetTogether. Additional benefits such as new opportunities for you to be creative and innovative can be achieved when you know that you now have the tools and the expertise to do things that couldn’t be done before. Having a strategic partner who can work with you and guide you every step of the way dramatically improves your chances of achieving this level of success.
The only way to determine if an implementation partner can deliver these kinds of results is to talk to their references. We suggest that you ask them about their initial implementation and more importantly get them to tell you about how their system evolved over the first few years.
Most of our competitors don’t have long-term relationships with their customers which often indicates that they don’t have the experience, the expertise or the right scheduling software needed to take you to the next level.
The Right Partner. The Right Solutions.
Lean Scheduling International
Let us help you do it right the first time
You need to talk to references who share some similarity to what you do. You also need to clearly understand the process they followed and ask them what factors impacted the success of the project.