Are you Juggling or Scheduling?

Scheduling can sometimes feel like a juggling act. APS software like PlanetTogether considers many constraints to do the juggling for you. With less to juggle, you can focus on execution and improvement instead of fighting fires all day.

Define Your Constraints

In PlanetTogether there are many constraints that can be defined and taken into consideration when optimizing the schedule. For example, if you’re a food manufacture and must watch allergens, you can define setup times and changeover costs based on those allergens or ingredients. If a product requires a specific tool, and that tool can only be used with specific resources, this can all be taken into consideration. If products tend to run faster or slower on specific resources, this can be setup in PlanetTogether. Constraints can be at the resource level or product level, and both are considered during optimization.

Schedule Confidently

Once constraints are defined and configured, PlanetTogether’s scheduling optimization considers those constraints when sequencing manufacturing orders. PlanetTogether will determine the schedule that balances need by dates while minimizing changeover times and changeover costs. This juggling act is completed for you during optimization. If a machine breaks down, or an employee calls in sick, the schedule can be quickly adjusted giving you more time to be proactive instead of reactive.

Contact Scheduling Solutions today to find out more!